Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Friday, 21 January 2011

Paper Installations DRAFTS (frames)

I think i can do allot with this idea i think i am going to start looking at actual frame layouts in galleries to try make something more successful inside the final piece.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Paper installations DRAFTS (mountains)

 I've tried to take these images one step further in development to fit with the concept I am coming up with.

Paper installations DRAFTS (alphabet)

I don't think that I will carry these on but there just experiments which are helping me figure out which shapes are easier on the eye

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Paper Installations

My latest idea which i hope to be in an exhibition in March. This is just the start of the piece but it is to give the idea of a full room installation in a small manor. i am going to do this by making fish bowl like masks so i am trying to cross the lines of both installation and performance piece.
I think the reason that i am making paper installations rather than a larger more solid piece is because i feel the idea is more powerful as a concept rather than a materialized piece

Monday, 17 January 2011

Another Purpose.

This image started as fresh apple cores in a frame which i made in september  and over the last few months the inevitable happened. When i made this piece the idea was about how we can create purpose depend on our situations and how a need for meaning seems to be the centre of many peoples lives. This is shown by apple changing from seed to food to art piece. Recently tho i have started to think if its about the redundancy of the apple in its current situation. I am starting to feel the piece is more about art than people. I'll try to put better and clear photographs up soon and a better understanding of the work.

Monday, 10 January 2011

Richmix exhibition

The exhibition containing my coalition peice will be on display from the 25th of Febuary along with the work of 7 or 8 other Artist

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Any feedback on my new idea

I've been thinking alot recently about the importance of the image in conseptual art and whether in its atempt to convey its idea it can stall the actual consept. Ive also been wondering if this is the fault of the artist or the veiwer. I my opinion veiwers are self involved with a need for escapism and artist can somtimes get so traped up in consept that the work becomes to self involved. My idea is to remove the imagery and replace it with description in an atempt to point the veiwer to the thinking that the artist is doing. There are alot of issues with this work such as it could contradict itself in become a harsh consept where people do see what the work is now about but the work is more about the presated idea as a collective peice.

i would like to work with somone on this peice and preferably someone who isnt an artist and can see this idea from a philisophical or pyshcological point of veiw.